Sunday, October 30, 2011

CSA Week 20

We have so many apples at this point that I am considering making my own cider. Not very seriously, but the thought has certainly crossed my mind.

We made our green bean, dill and feta salad with these beans. It has easy prep, and we could consume them over time.


Our first (and so far only) butternut squash from this place. This remains our favorite winter squash, and we are saving it for a beloved pasta dish (with roasted squash and red pepers.)

Green cauliflower.


More lettuce means more salad.

The greens on the beets were pretty anemic, so I actually tossed them. How odd that I have gone from making fun of others for being so frontier woman as to cook the greens on their root veggies to feeling sad that I had to toss them out myself.

As with many new vegetables, after finding a way in via a gateway recipe (Brussels sprouts with lemon and caraway) we have successfully branched out and come to like other recipes. Not sure yet what we'll do with these, but they keep well so there's not too much rush.

Green onions

One nice thing about the zillions of potatoes we have gotten from this CSA is that many have been fingerling potatoes. Since they are small and have thinner skins, prep is much faster. It's nice to have potatoes that we can prep on weeknights and still eat at a reasonable hour.

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