Wednesday, July 4, 2012

CSA 2012 Week 5

We missed week four due to travel, and a friend picked up the share. It's always interesting to hear other people's experiences with the CSA. We have been doing it so long that we're old pros, but talking to newer folks brings us right back to how it was to start.

Three heads of garlic including one gigantic one.

Mixed baby squash, which appears to be mostly pattypan. We have a great recipe with feta and basil for this.


A really oddly shaped head of green cabbage is destined to be slawed

A huge bag of pickling cucumbers. I am not sure what we'll do with these suckers. I may take a stab at vaccuum pickles again, or I may make sorbet. We'll see how the week goes.




These green beans are to be wed to bacon for a new dish. Lucky ducks.

More new potatoes. We are already falling behind on potatoes, so we'll need to get cracking on those soon.

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