Saturday, June 14, 2008

CSA Week 1

It's CSA time again! After enjoying last year's biweekly shares despite not having a kitchen for a chunk of time there in the middle, we decided to take a chance on a full share this year. That means weekly veggie shares and a whole lot of not ordering in for us.

It also means I have to update here at least once a week, or I'll fall hopelessly behind. On to the veggies!

For a first delivery, we actually got quite a bit of variety this week.

Button Mushrooms are destined for salads and omelettes.

Two heads of lettuce (one red sails, one romaine) will keep us in salads for the week.

Spinach is going into our favorite spinach and kale pie.

Pear Butter may just get spread directly on our tongues. We've already had most of it on bread or toast, and it is so very delicious. Nice pear and apple flavors, with some caramel background. Super tasty.

Asparagus was born to be roasted.

Green Garlic is new to us, but we plan on using it as we would normal garlic. It'll probably make it's way into the mushroom omelettes.

Rhubarb is destined for an odd lentil soup recipe (yes, rhubarb and lentil soup) as well as the ever delicious crisp.

A small bundle of chives will likely get snipped onto anything we can think of.

Mint will be used to flavor ice tea, probably in the form of a syrup (which is also convenient because the sugar is pre-disolved.)

Radishes will be snacked on and eaten in salads.

The newsletter and emails this week have all commented on how hard hit the supplying farms are by the recent storms, so we're curious to see what the share looks like next week. Hopefully there aren't too many ruined crops, since that would stink all around.


Anonymous said...
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Aaron said...

This rhubarb/lentil soup - have you done it before? We're overrun with rhubarb, and I'm trying to find things to try that aren't all pies or ice cream toppings.

StraitUp said...

We had not done it before, but we'll totally do it again. The rhubarb flavor was not overly strong, but it was still a great soup. You can find the recipe here: