Thursday, August 2, 2007

CSA Week 4 - Vegetables in a time of madness

I am coming to the conclusion that travel is the enemy of the CSA. For more than half of the past two weeks, one or both of us was traveling. Sadly, this meant that some lovely produce (alas, poor beets, I hardly knew ye) passed on to a better place before we could roast them alive.

I did manage to make and freeze some pesto, with the help of some grocery store basil. We also made chocolate chip zucchini bread with some of the squash, which was quite tasty.

Week four is the first of two deliveries that will come during the renovation of our kitchen. Thankfully, most of this week's haul appears to be grillable or edible raw.

Cornsplosion! We love corn, and more specificially love it grilled. It is unlikely that we will get sick of it before we run out, even though we have 14 or so ears.

Potatoes can be grilled. Who knew? I have a recipe for roasted potatoes that use a mix of direct and indirect grilling. I'll report back on how that one goes.

Beans Hrm. We actually still have beans from last time around, so...more beans. We have a burner on our grill, so I sense that we'll boil some water and have some beans.

Mixed Salad Greens Prewashed! The closest the CSA gets to a Rachel Ray episode.


Radish Sprouts taste like mild radishes and are destined for salads.

Broccoli The world's smallest head of broccoli, which is probably good since I don't think we can grill it. I guess we'll cut it small and have it in salads.

Curly Leaf Parseley Perhaps we'll toss some in with the beans? Maybe we'll just garnish the hell out of our burgers.

Red Garlic

Various Detritus from our Coffee Table I can't even claim that our coffee table looks cluttered thanks to the remodel. It always looks that way.


If not a mother... said...

I have a couple recipes for roasted potatoes, too - aluminum foil is your friend!

StraitUp said...

I have seen a bunch for wrapping em in foil or indirect cooking them, but they all seem to take forever.

The recipe I found looks like it'll take 18-20 minutes or so which should work well for after a day or work (or a day or work on the kitchen.)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.